Closing Reflections

Today I am grateful for the chance to spend time with our grandson Leo this morning and to be of help to my stepdaughter Emily. I am also grateful for the simplicity of cereal for breakfast.

Having spent the last few weeks remembering some of my favorite songs and sounds from some of my favorite musical artists, it seems fitting to officially wrap up my A-Z gratitude list with some closing reflections.

*Working ears and sense of hearing are gifts that I cherish and will protect.

*From deep pain can come beautiful words and music. The same can come
from deep joy.

*Songs spark memories and bring back special moments and days.

*We give songs our own meanings stemming from the circumstances and
emotions in our lives at the time, but it is nice to learn the meaning the writers
had. The Internet makes it easy to do that today.

It seems only fitting to close with two songs about reflecting. A short version of Reflections from Diana Ross and the Supremes can be heard/seen here. It was the theme song from the critically acclaimed television show "China Beach" from the late 1980's. The show's setting was the Vietnam War. Reflections of My Life from Marmalade in 1970 can be heard/seen here. I have always liked listening to and watching this version, which pays tribute to Vietnam veterans.

Today, I reflect on all who have worked hard to first help us gain freedom and then to protect and
preserve it.
