The Other Prayer of St. Francis

Today I am grateful for reminders that I am only in charge of my attitude and actions. I am also grateful to be a mom. My son teaches me a lot, even when he is testing me. I am grateful today for the Prayer of St. Francis DeSales.

Most of us have heard of the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi--"Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace..."  The Prayer of St. Francis DeSales is not as well-known.  I work at a Catholic school and prayer is a daily thing. This prayer was read one day last year and it struck me for two reasons: 1) My whole family was educated at St. Francis DeSales School...most of us for 8 years, a few for more. 2) I didn't recall having ever heard the prayer before, which surprised me as an alum of DeSales School. I grabbed a copy and first shared it with my mom, and then with my sisters last fall.  I say it myself most days because I think it is a powerful and comforting prayer.  Better late than never.  It brings me back to gratitude in the present moment whenever I read it. Here it is:

The Prayer of St. Francis DeSales

For Complete Trust in God

Do not look forward to the changes and chances of this life with fear. Rather, look to them with full confidence as they arise. God has guided you thus far in life. If you hold fast to God’s hand, you will be led safely through all trials. Whenever you cannot stand, God will carry you lovingly in his arms.

Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow. The same eternal father who takes care of you today will take care of you tomorrow, and every day of your life. Either God will shield you from suffering or will give you unfailing strength to bear it.

Be at peace then, and put aside all useless thoughts, all vain dreads and all anxious imaginations. Amen.


  1. I love this! I ran across a quote from St. Francis de Sales that was part of this prayer, but I don't think I have seen the whole thing. Thanks for sharing!

  2. It's funny that this prayer isn't on the wall of the hallowed halls of DeSales School. Maybe it is and I never noticed it as a kid. :-) I'm glad I came across it now. Thanks Stacy!

  3. My aunt was sr. francis de Sales, CSC She had great devotion to st. francis and passed it on to me. Thank you fr te reminder in this powerful oittle prayer. ( Her Aunt, my great aunt was sr. de sales, CSC I'm a third generation in Holy Cross! Hank you God or your faithful calling us. ( The Prindiville family) Sr. Judith Anne, CSC (In couldn't have her nae because she was still living when I entered the Communiy. THANKS FOR THE PRAYER.


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