Life Saver #2

Today I am grateful for the wonderful smell of lilacs in the spring. If I am running past some lilacs, I have been known to turn around and run past them again to get another dose of aromatherapy.

I am grateful for a letter from my friend Linda. There is still hope for the lost art of letter writing.

Today I am also grateful for Deb, my second life saver. I talked about Life Saver #1, Sheila, in a post last week. These two friends were there for me when I wasn't there for myself.

Deb and I met our freshmen year of college. We played softball together for two years, and we were roommates our sophomore year. My drinking progressed when I got to college and Deb kept an eye on me many nights. She also did something that really got me thinking---she got mad at me for my drinking, in a way that let me know she cared and was concerned, but let me know that my choices were impacting others too.

I remember one time I needed a pair of socks to go with an outfit, but I was saving my money for alcohol. (Priorities of a poor college student with an alcohol dependency.) We made a stop at a local store and she came out with a pair of socks for me and practically threw them at me. Point made. I never forgot that moment and how I felt. Thank God!

Deb never gave up on me. Today I thank her for her role in getting me to face my drinking problem and for still being a friend in my life. Thanks Deb!
