Here's the Zinger

Today I am grateful for my son Sam.  He teaches me about acceptance, patience, and unconditional love.  I am also grateful for every game of catch he and I get to play.  Lately it's been baseball.

Today I am delivering the gratitude zinger I referred to in my first post.  I used to be stuck in self-pity.  It was my default mode, how I viewed what was happening in my life.  Poor Lisa. What a drag that was!  And it kept me down, kept me stuck in self-hatred and feeling unworthy. As I started practicing gratitude, I realized I was feeling better and better, and I wasn't so tough on myself, so negative all of the time.  Then it hit me -the zinger-I can't feel sorry for myself and be grateful at the same time. Try it.  It's simply not possible! If I practice gratitude, focus on what is going well in my life, I keep the self-pity at bay and it loses the power it used to have. Gratitude is life-changing indeed.

Negative breeds negative.  Positive breeds positive. Where will I put my energy today?


  1. I hope this will get to you. I am grateful that you can write on gratitude and keep me focused on this simple, but invaluable tool for serenity.

  2. Simple but invaluable. That is so true, but often overlooked. In our fast-paced world we forget that we can still keep it simple and gain much. In fact, many of us need to simplify and declutter. Gratitude can help with that...reminding us of what our priorities should be.

  3. Love this post - gratitude and self-pity aren't compatible! My Mom (your Aunt!) gave me the book 'Simple Abundance' by Sarah Ban Breathnach years ago for my birthday. One of the exercises in the book was to start a gratitude journal: keeping track of the little and big things I'm grateful for on a daily basis. You have reminded me to get back to this simple and powerful practice.
    Thank you.

  4. I love the word habitual attached to gratitude. A new association. I'm grateful that I am capable of learning new things every day.


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