Smooth Sailing or Rough Waters

Today I am grateful for my friend Betsy and the ways that we support one another. I am also grateful for life lessons that teach me more about myself.

Some days life feels like smooth sailing on calm waters. On other days, it feels like a rough ride on a choppy sea. Either can last for days, weeks, or longer, depending on our circumstances and what life is throwing at us. When my life is smooth sailing for a time, I sometimes get fearful that my luck is running out, that the tide will turn, that something bad is going to happen. That used to be my usual thought process actually, fed by feelings of unworthiness and self-pity.

It's normal to fear bad things happening. It means we have things to lose. It means we have love in our lives. But if it is overpowering my thoughts and darkening my days, I need to "start swimming" to calmer waters. Gratitude practice is my swimming. Staying in today is my life jacket. I don't regret yesterday as much or fear tomorrow as much when I am paying attention to today.

It should also be considered normal that we deserve the good things that come our way. But so often that "less than" mindset is what many of us default to. Let's help each other out. Share what you are grateful for in another person. Big or small ways they make your life better, smoother. Spread the gratitude. Calm the seas.
