
Today I am grateful for my husband Darcy and the ways we complement and challenge one another.I am also grateful for the early morning energy I typically possess.

I came across the word sincere in one of my recovery readings yesterday, and it has been nibbling at my brain since then. Am I a sincere person? Do I practice sincerity? I hope so. I try to.

Sincerity is defined as honesty of mind, having or showing true feelings that are expressed in an honest way; genuine, real. Showing true feelings means that they will sometimes be painful or ugly. I can be sincerely frustrated or sincerely angry. But at those times, I sincerely hope I handle myself in a way that is honest but not hurtful. That is my goal. I don't always reach it. Better to release those feelings though, than to let them ferment, grow, and cause more harm.

My approach to this blog, to the regular practice of gratitude, is sincere. And this sincere effort continues to deepen and broaden my spirituality, my overall wellness, my view of the world and my place in it, my daily approach to living life.

I can say with full sincerity that a grateful approach to life has made all the difference in my life.
