Buffet of Gratitude

Today I am grateful for the brave bird I heard chirping out in the bitter cold this morning. A joylet for sure. I am also grateful for the way I am feeling after losing a few pounds.

My husband Darcy and I are both doing well with our healthier eating and weight loss pursuits. The cleanse not only jump-started our metabolism, it jump-started our motivation. Being more aware of what we eat and how much we eat isn't only more mindful, it means we are being kind and gentle with ourselves. Our bodies and minds are feeling sharper, energized, more efficient. And our souls are being fed a buffet of gratitude.

Gratitude for having each other for support. Gratitude for the local grocery and natural foods stores and the options they offer. Gratitude for money to buy healthier foods. Gratitude for time to prepare meals and dishes and enjoy them as a family. Gratitude for the ways this is rubbing off on our son Sam. Gratitude for the simple pleasure of the varied tastes and smells of food. This buffet doesn't lead to overeating, guilt, or indigestion. It leads to nutrition not only for our bodies but also our souls.

Like taking time to pray and meditate, to slow down and pay attention; many people are under the false impression that they are too busy to take time to prepare meals. Too busy for one of our most basic needs? Then we succumb to convenience and processed food. We think we are saving time, but we are losing nutrition that can keep us healthier and more energetic. If we aren't careful, we end up on the merry-go-round of sugar-caffeine-sugar-caffeine to keep us going.

My family has our busy times too, but we have always taken the time to plan and prepare good meals, especially on weekends. We are just redefining "good meal" lately. We can make more than enough so we have leftovers to quickly prepare. We can clean up some celery or other vegetables and fruits to grab as a quick snack. Taking time to appreciate the importance of nourishing our bodies is always time spent well.

We look forward to continuing to feed at this buffet of gratitude.
