The Other Sisters

Living gratefully today, I appreciate the functionality of my opposable thumbs and all they allow me to grasp and do. I am also grateful for reminders to look for the good in others, myself, the world.

My sisters have been on my mind a lot lately, and they always are, but the sisters I am writing about today are my mom and my Aunt Helen.

Several attempts to reach my mom by phone in recent days had been unsuccessful. She is out walking, socializing, taking part in activities, maybe resting. These are all good things. I was about to try again yesterday morning, just seconds away from dialing her number, when my phone rang. It was my Aunt Helen, my mom’s younger and only surviving sister.

I very much appreciate my connection with my aunt, and the connection she has with my mom. I will drop a letter in the mail to her from time to time. We'll share phone conversations like we did yesterday. And when I head home to see my family, sometimes it works out for us to get together then too.

Helen told me about her recent travels. Quite an adventure for someone in her early 80's if you ask me. She has done extensive traveling over the years. She cared for her ailing husband before he died and later also had another special man in her life. On the contrary, Mom's travels were limited to visiting family and she has remained a widow since my dad died over twenty years ago.

These sisters chose different paths in ways, but also shared similar paths and have always remained close, both in proximity and in relationship. Helen goes to visit Mom in the nursing home and experiences the same fading memory the rest of us experience. But they also enjoyed a couple hands of rummy when they last visited.

I appreciated the coincidence and timing of Helen's call and our nice conversation. Then, I did call Mom and was able to reach her too. If I would have called her before Helen called me, I would have missed her again. She had been at church service. Funny how things work out.

These other sisters in my life remind me of my own sisters and how much I cherish them and treasure our time together as well, especially in light of my sister Mary Jo's declining health.

Nice to talk to you Aunt Helen. Nice to have our connection. I appreciate you!
