One Breath at a Time

Today I am grateful for birdsong and bananas.

One breath at a time. One moment at a time. That is how our lives unfold. But I often miss that simplicity and ease, caught up in the next moment or thought or action instead.

I am reminded of the powerful phrase:  "What we practice grows stronger."

So I am practicing tuning into my breathing. Pausing to actively participate in my next breath, rather than ignore it like I so often do. Each breath brings in life-giving oxygen, which allows me to do whatever it is I am doing.

It is important to honor our breathing, which we do on average 23,000 times a day. Even honoring a few of them is a powerful endeavor.

I am back to practicing some guided meditation, which most often includes some aspect of paying attention to our own breathing. I struggle at this practice, and seek the help of guided audio to help me stay focused. It does help calm me and give me more presence, so I slog along and try not to be too hard on myself for struggling with it.

I also appreciate the discussions I have had with my friend Sheila recently on this topic, and the support and encouragement she gives me. Thank you Sheila!

What we practice grows stronger. One breath at a time, the day ahead begins. That's all.
