Fascinated by Weather and by Haiku

Living gratefully today, I consider the joy of spending time with our grandsons and I also consider the value in short periods of meditative practice.

We enjoyed time with our grandson Leo last evening. I am also trying to return to a more consistent practice of meditation. Though brief, I have already found it helpful.

I had extra time to do other things I enjoy yesterday...some writing, some baking, a nap, time with recovery friends. All because of a spring storm that led to a snow day from school.

It was fascinating to watch the weather unfold at times. There was heavy snow, wind-driven sleet, lightning, rain, high winds, branches down. Wacky as only these spring storms can be.

It was also a day where I tried a new writing activity. Maybe not new, but certainly nothing I had done in a long time. I read about haiku, read some written by others, went outside to shovel, and found myself inspired to write some of my own:

Sleet pummeled me
Wind stretched a sign's limits
Mother Nature rules

Trying photo app
Seeking to capture lightning
Weather speedier than I

Windows darkened 
Not by arrival of night
Rather by the storm

I have much to learn about the art of haiku, but I already know that I can't do it wrong because it is really just about putting words down. I like the brevity. I like the succinct capture of a moment.

I like pursuing new avenues of writing and new ways to live gratefully. There's fascination in both.
