
Living gratefully today, I savored my breakfast a bite at a time and paused to appreciate Mother Nature's handiwork.

That handiwork allowed me to capture this photo in today's predawn:

Heavy, wet snow sticking to tree branches, roadways, trail and everything else it landed on. The streetlight's glow drew me to walk towards this scene. Heavy snow will lead to some heavy lifting and shoveling later. Sam will be available to help too, because we both have a snow day from school.  Darcy's commute will be safe because he works in his home office. Family lightens the heavy loads. 

Heavy clouds are promising more precipitation though. And there's the heavy emotions that come with thoughts of my sister Mary Jo's advanced cancer and our mom's advancing memory loss. There is heavy emotional work going on in my mid-50's and it sometimes weighs me down.

Like the snow though, I work to clear the clutter of thoughts and feelings. A shovel full at a time. A pause and taking a break allow me to pace myself with the snow removal and the scaling back of overthinking and overdoing. 

Heavy loads lightened by patience, acceptance, love. 
