Putting Pen to Paper

Today I am grateful for our safe travels throughout this last week and also for some rain overnight.

I put pen to paper on our drive yesterday and wrote a letter to a friend. I also sent out gratitude letters #7 and #8 in the last couple of weeks. I love putting pen to paper. Although I use a computer and keyboard more now and type the words rather than write them, I still often begin new essays or writing project ideas with pen and paper. It is the natural way for me to begin composing. Even though I create many of these blog posts at the computer, the ideas often start earlier, and I have a little notebook I carry in my purse so I can jot down streams of thought or post ideas that come to me as I go through my day.

I was treated to a pleasant surprise the other day when I discovered that my 10-year-old son had put pen to paper and left me a note in one of my journals. It was absolutely precious and it just makes my heart swell as I think about it or take another look at it. I have left him notes here and there in a bag lunch or such. I discovered that he had kept those notes in his backpack, then he wanted to put them on his bulletin board. Precious. Notes of a few words but with lasting impact.

Putting pen to paper does matter. Is there anyone you want to leave a note for today or send a note to?

Gratitude shared is gratitude multiplied.


  1. Hello!
    Was googling modern equivilant of "pen to paper", and came up with your blog :) What a lovely idea, a gratitude journal. I too have son who has kept little notes, and gifts that I have given him over the years. Even chocolate bars from travels that he would rather keep than eat. What a tough choice. Makes us feel loved as moms :) Think I was meant to stumble upon your site today. Made me remember, reflect and smile. Cheers! RT in Newmarket ON

  2. How nice to hear from you RT and so glad that you stumbled on to my blog. I hope you'll keep visiting. As moms, the little things our sons do can be so touching. Remembering, reflecting, and smiling--all good ways to start a day.
    Thanks for commenting!


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