It's Not the Heat, It's the Humidity

Today I am grateful for ceiling fans, floor fans, wall AC units, and the electrical power to keep them whirring away in this heat. I am also grateful for the support network I have in recovery.

That's my friend Lori and I in my profile picture. I talked about her in yesterday's post.

You know the old saying "It's not the heat, it's the humidity?" Well, that may be true at times, but right now in the upper Midwest, it's the heat AND the humidity. I will say that if you don't live in a region prone to humidity, it can be a shock to your system at first. Even if you are familiar with it, it still drains the energy right out of a person. Much of the country is sweltering and it sounds like the thermostat will stay on high for at least a few days. I pray for those dealing with storm damage and power outages, and those who have lost loved ones.

Like so many things, the heat becomes relative. We adapt to some degree, no pun intended. (Maybe that's why I'm less irritable today than I was two days ago.) There's an old joke that makes the rounds here in Minnesota:  "There's two seasons in Minnesota; winter and road construction."  That does seem very apropos at times, but right now there's no doubt it's SUMMER. 

I hope people and pets are staying safe and hydrated, and that people heed the dangers this kind of weather can present. We Minnesotans are fond to say on days like this "Just remember this in January."  I guess it's our way of keeping things in perspective and being grateful.

Stay cool and have a good day! 
