Easter Blooms

Today I am grateful for the pleasant weather of the last couple of days, and the hope of Easter, even in the midst of a pandemic. Especially in the midst of a pandemic.

It is a different Easter for sure, but we are still finding ways to celebrate and honor the day, see family, attend church services, share a meal.

My husband Darcy and I took the opportunity of a beautiful day yesterday to go to the local Catholic church and walk the "Way of the Cross" on a hillside near the church. It was a comforting way to mark this Holy Week. Thank you to the local Eagle Scout and others who made the space what it is.

We did some yard clean-up and had a fire in our fire pit the other day, another source of comfort. As I walked around our yard, I saw plenty of green shoots taking off. Including these tulips:

There is hope in this early growth, even with a snowstorm bearing down on us today. Those tulips will bloom and summer days will be here before we know it. At least there are some things we can be certain of in these uncertain times. 

Because these blooms are still weeks away, Watch Flowers Bloom Before Your Eyes in this video from National Geographic. 

The video's description reads: Witness dozens of different types of flowers unfurling in this stunning time-lapse video from filmmaker David de los Santos Gil. He used 5,000 out of 50,000 shots of his floral subjects for the final video, which was filmed over a period of nine months. 

It is an amazing video. Just like today's snowstorm will provide us amazing views. Easter is here. It feels different. It will be different. But it is still here, along with hope.

Have a Happy Easter! Make some new and precious memories.
