Blessings: Humility

Today I am grateful for a quiet house, to help quiet my heart and mind. I am also grateful for the lessons in humility that have made such a difference in my life.

Humility is the next blessing in the video Blessings:

Humility: Source of all blessings, you bless us with humility--that down-to-earth quality that has nothing in common with humiliation but makes us stand tall and acknowledge both the humus that feeds us and the stars to which we aspire. May I learn to practice and to honor in others this sparkling humility, which is the dignity that we, as human beings, cannot afford to lose.

The blessings in the video are from Brother David Steindl-Rast's book 99 Blessings. This book is meant for anyone and everyone, regardless of faith background. He writes "Blessings are life-giving only as long as we pass them on."  He wrote the blessings to first reflect the gift they are, and then ends with a resolution to share it with others.

Humility is something I have struggled to understand, especially as a recovering alcoholic hampered by fears and wrong-sized ego that often first look and sound like something else. I tend to get busy up in my head, when humility only suggests that I stay grounded in the moment at hand. To feel the earth beneath my feet, to look upward to the sky.

Up in my head, I think right over the feelings that are more meant to guide me. Worthiness. . . my own and others'. . . is squashed with quick and harsh judgment and unrealistic expectations.

Humility beckons me to the present, to honor my own existence and yours, with guidance from Great Spirit. To treat us all with dignity and kindness. "Down-to-earth" people are the kind that I like to be around. They exude good energy. I strive to be down-to-earth.  I am a work in progress, and practice makes progress possible.
