Living gratefully today, I appreciate the morning quiet and what shows itself to me in this time. I also give thanks for this blog and what it teaches me as a writer and as a transforming individual.

As I have done for 23 previous century marks, I note that today will be post number 2400, and the 24th century mark reached since I began blogging eight years ago. That’s a lot of posts! Persistence and perseverance have brought me to this milestone. One word at a time, one post at a time.

There have been days where the words flowed freely from sources previously untapped, other days when they were pulled forth with unwilling effort, and everything in between. Such is the life of a writer and a woman in her mid-life muck and mire.

Persistence and perseverance, a moment, hour, and a day at a time will also get us through this pandemic and worrisome economic times.

The number 24 holds significant meaning to me. The hours in a day. The age I was when I began sobriety. Writing and living gratefully have saved me from myself in so many ways, and they have also helped me find the beautiful individual within.

I first began practicing gratitude at the urging of a recovery friend who had heard plenty of my self-pity and martyrdom. I can’t live in gratefulness and self-pity at the same time. I am left with a choice. Self-pity buries all feelings . . . positive and negative. Gratefulness pulls the rich meaning and profound nature of our existence, both joyful and sorrowful, from us with a gentle curiosity.

Take 24 x 100 and the answer is 2400. Hit publish and 2399 goes to 2400. Those are just numbers. The proof, the benefits, the amazing wisdom and grace that emerges with perseverance and practice, these are what matter. And they matter infinitely.

Write on!
