Blessings: Change

Living gratefully today, I give thanks for the human spirit, individual and collective, that finds new strength in challenging times. I am also grateful for the birds that keep singing to me, to all of us, to the neighborhood.

Today's Blessing is CHANGE.

Source of all blessings, you bless us with CHANGE--in the seasons of the year, from snow to greening, flowering, fruiting, and harvest, in the seasons of life, from childhood to youth, full ripeness, and saging. All living things keep changing. May I welcome change as a sacred opportunity to grow and savor in each unrepeatable moment's fleetingness what IS beyond change.

I have always treasured and enjoyed the changing seasons. It is one of the things I like about living where I live. We have four seasons and they are ever-evolving. We have extremes, but they only serve to deepen our appreciation of the picture-perfect days that come along, of the beauty that comes in the transforming times.

The seasons of nature cycle through with a somewhat predictable pace and unfolding. Not so much with the seasons of my life. My childhood and youth shaped me in both wonderful and woeful ways. I have been stuck, inhibited by my own lack of change, or even recognizing the need for it, in some of the seasons of my adult life.

Dislodging happens, like a spring thaw, and I lean into the hard work of healing and transforming. New fruit ripens within this mind and body, heart and soul. Such times carry all the joy and wonder of the calm after the storm, the bright sun after a dreary day, the gentle breeze after a biting wind.

It takes time to see the sorrow and struggle as the sacred opportunities they are. It takes practice and patience to savor each unrepeatable moment and the fleetingness of life. Oh what beauty and wisdom emerge though. Change is inevitable. It happens with or without our consent. The least I can do is pay attention and be open to where it is guiding me.
