Blessings: Breath

Living gratefully today, I am savoring the smell of bacon cooking and also a slower start to my morning after a couple of jam-packed ones.

The 6-minute video Blessings that I shared yesterday focuses on six blessings. They are each worthy of their own post.

Source of all blessings, you bless us with breath— In and out, in and out, ever-renewing us, ever anew, making us one with all who breathe the same air. May this blessing overflow into a shared gratefulness, so that with one breath I may praise and celebrate life.

Between breaths as I exercised yesterday, I realized the progress that I have made with my hip. The  physical therapist I worked with said it would take 8-10 weeks for the more noticeable results.  Breathing through the targeted exercises for those weeks, I breathed in the progress, less pain, and more strength yesterday.

As I also seek more self-compassion, I find it in the simplicity of my own breathing. The rhythmic in and out are comforting. Sometimes, in a quiet moment, I put one hand near my heart and one on my stomach and feel the warmth of my own existence.

We all breathe in the same air from Earth's atmosphere. We are all in this together. And we are all in this as unique individuals. There is comfort in all of that for me in this moment.

Just breathe. Praise and celebrate the life in each breath.
