Things I Take For Granted: #4 Limbs

Today I am grateful for my sister Danita on her birthday today. I am also grateful for my arms and legs.

My arms and legs, all four of my limbs, are in good working order. They are another gift I tend to take for granted on most days. When I pause to think about how much I use them, however, I really become mindful of how important they are. From the moment I get myself out of bed in the morning, to the moment I get myself back into bed that night, they are being utilized.

A recent quote in my gratitude journal was this Irish proverb: "Get down on your knees and thank God you're still on your feet." 

Amen to that. I think of those who have lost limbs or were born without them. I think about tragic accidents, war wounds, life-changing injuries. And I wrap my arms around myself in thanksgiving. I walk forward into the day with a fuller realization of what it simply means to walk forward.

I have never lost a limb, but I have had body parts removed. I had bilateral mastectomies in 2008 as part of my breast cancer surgeries and treatment. I can live without my breasts. I miss them, but I am still living life fully. I did get a small taste of what it would be like to have limited use of limbs at that time though. In the early days and weeks after surgery, I had limited strength and mobility in my arms. It took months and effort on my part to return fully to my usual activities. I lost some strength that I will never regain. But I am not limited. For that, I am truly grateful.

As I walk on my legs today, and reach for things with my arms, I will remember the blessings of my limbs and so many other things.  Have a Happy Halloween! I will be taking a blog break for a couple days. See you next week!
