Leaves Taking Their Leave

Today I am grateful for the different pace today at work will offer. I am also grateful for leaves rustling in the breeze and ears to hear them.

Leaves are taking their leave from trees lately as we head further into fall. Fall is my favorite season. I love getting my jeans and sweatshirts back out and needing to sleep with covers on again. I love the crispness in the air and the colorful beauty of trees and plants as they transition to the next stage in the cycle of life.

I observe how a breeze will pick up leaves, sometimes gently, sometimes harshly, and move them about. Our human lives are similar. Sometimes a gentle breeze carries us along calmly. At other times, strong winds intrude on our peace and we have to buffer ourselves. I shore myself up with gratitude practice.

There are countless leaves, all with their own uniqueness. They each took part in a life cycle that is amazing when you stop to think about it. Considering this helps me appreciate and respect the fellow humans I will interact with today. We each belong. We each are important.

I like the sound that leaves make as I walk, run, or bike over them. The leaves don't care. They don't have feelings. But pausing to appreciate them and their place in our natural world reminds me to pause and appreciate many other things. As I mindfully give thanks for a seemingly insignificant leaf, I am really pausing to give thanks for the gift of life, the gift of today.
