Be Still. Be Quiet.

Today I am grateful for a solitary run in the coming daylight. I am also grateful for what silence and stillness teach me when I give them a chance.

Life has been busy. Work has been especially so. Family activities keep us on the move. It is dangerous territory for me. I end up overly tired, over thinking everything that needs to get done, and losing any sense of calm and serenity I may have had. Not surprisingly, I also become an unpleasant person to be around at times. My poor family feels the brunt of that when it happens. So the first lesson of stillness and quiet for me is to keep my mouth shut when what may come out is not kind or necessary.

Yesterday morning I took five minutes to sit out on our front porch and enjoy some coffee. I had the time. I made the time. I needed that time. I lose focus when I get spun up in the busy times. I forget to pause and be grateful. I forget that what really matters is here and now. I forget that my job is just that-a job. My job is not at the top of my priority list, nor should it be. But when I take care of my priorities-family, friends, faith/recovery, running, and writing, my job seems to go more smoothly.

That five minutes yesterday was a start in bringing me back to more serenity, to more solid ground. It was the reminder and the action I needed. More such pausing, stillness, and quiet will be part of my day today. My morning run was a good start.

Be still. Be quiet. Be grateful.
