
Today I am grateful for the technology that makes my job easier, but also always the face to face communication and connections that matter so much--at home, at work, among friends.

As I return back to the "A-Z" feelings list I am blogging about, I feel nurtured today. I had sustenance last evening that took the form of food, hanging out with others in recovery, and some sleep. I woke up to this writing time, and writing nurtures me in so many ways.

To nurture is to care for, to encourage growth and development. Our little grandson Aaron is being nurtured by his parents Arthur and Alyssa. New baby and new parents all need encouragement, and I appreciate that they have each other as well as Alyssa's mom Donna in these early days and weeks.

Nurturing takes on so many more meanings too. Am I nurturing the relationships I have with the people I live with? Are my husband, son, and dog feeling my warmth and encouragement?

Am I nurturing the many connections and relationships I have with others where I work? Are new students, parents, and staff feeling welcomed by me and comfortable with me? Are those I already know being appreciated and supported, and not taken for granted?

And nurturing really starts with me. Am I nurturing my own self, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually?  Right now I can say yes. Since I got up this morning, I have prayed in quiet, reached out to others in recovery, kept a reasonable pace to my tasks, had some coffee, and I walked with our dog Oliver. I wrote this post and fed the writer within. I journaled about gratitude and wrote about it here.

I am off to a good start. The challenge lies in staying in a nurturing mode as the day progresses. The better I nurture myself, the more able I am to nurture others. I am deeply grateful for the many people who love and support me in so many ways.

And there is always hope. Nurture hope today.

"The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what to hope for. 
And the most you can do is live inside that hope."
Barbara Kingsolver

I hope you have a good day. I hope to add to the good around me in my own small ways today too. 
It can be as simple as the hope in a smile shared. 


  1. Have always liked the word nurture. Great quote from Barbara Kingsolver.

  2. It's a good and kind word that can be applied to all living things, ourselves included. Thanks!


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