Even If It's Just One Bite

Today I am grateful for less humid air and a nice breeze yesterday. I am also grateful for prayers and how they can provide strength and comfort, for myself and others I am praying for.

I am still thinking about our time volunteering at Feed My Starving Children on Saturday. Thinking about starving children around the world and then looking at a full refrigerator leaves me with a variety of feelings. I don't want to take the food I have for granted. I don't want to take anything for granted. But I do. That is the nature of humans. We have, we get used to, we forget.

Food is a necessity, yet those of us who have it in plenty and at easy access often forget that.  I have no idea what real hunger feels like. I can't imagine spending hours of my day finding and preparing food for my family. But I can choose to eat more mindfully, to grow the appreciation for the bounty of nourishment my family and I have available.

Even if it's just one bite at each meal, I can eat more mindfully. Consider where the food I am enjoying came from. Thank the many others who helped get it to me. Slow down and notice textures and tastes. Savor. Chew slowly. Be grateful for that one bite of food. It is more than many will get today.

Time to nourish ourselves is very important, and not just with food. Gratitude practice nourishes my heart and soul in healthy ways too.

Take a mindful bite today. Even if it's just one bite, it matters. It makes a difference in how we look at and experience the blessings before us.
