Post #800: Expansive Gratitude

Today I am grateful for those who are faithful readers of my blog. I am also grateful to the women in my local breast cancer support group and their kind and supportive ways.

Today marks a blogging milestone for me. This is post #800. One word at a time. One post at a time. One day at a time.

This was a recent quote from my gratitude journal and it fits nicely in this post:

"There's a self-expansive aspect of gratitude. Very possibly it's a little known law of Nature the more gratitude you have, the more you have to be grateful for." (Elaine St. James)

Beautiful and true words. This little known law of nature has been playing out in my life for nearly two decades, and playing out in this blog for 2 1/2 years. Gratitude practice is about far more than saying thank you. It is about seeing with a new pair of glasses, about changing a "less-than" perspective to a "more-than-enough" one.

I looked back at the post titles for my other century markers and they create a good summary. Here they are:

"100 Posts . . . One Post at a Time" Read it here.
"200 and Counting" Read it here.
"Post #300: The Great Fullness of Life" Read it here.
"Post #400: Inspiration, Not Drudgery" Read it here.
"Post #500: Antidote Multiplication" Read it here.
"Post #600: Onward!" Read it here.
"Post #700: Still Writing" Read it here.

As my profile states, gratitude practice is some of the best work that I do. It truly is expansive, and giving it thought and energy on a regular basis via this blog has only been more expansive.

It's not a fancy or flashy blog. It's "meat and potatoes" gratitude practice. It has made all the difference in my life. I hope some posts have made a difference to you too. Thanks for reading!


  1. Congratulations and thank you for your writing. Reading your blog is part of my morning gratitude practice. Your contribution with this blog makes a difference.

    1. Thank you Steve! Gratitude shared is gratitude multiplied. I appreciate that you are a regular reader and that I can contribute to your gratitude practice. That means a lot to me.


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