Straight from the Garden

Today I am grateful for a healthier, more balanced perspective on day-to-day living. I am also grateful for fresh garden produce from my mom's garden.

When we travel to my mom's this time of the year, we get treated to garden delights that remind me of what "fresh" really means. You can indeed taste the freshness. It makes me wonder about the journey the produce I buy at the store goes on before it gets to our table. There are probably aspects of that journey and process that I wouldn't care to know.

Getting vegetables straight from Mom's garden, I know just where they came from. On this recent trip, we returned home with eggplant, beets, melon, and tomatoes. I made the eggplant the other day, using the method my mom used when I was growing up, and we all enjoyed it. Beets aren't something I would eat every day, but I am appreciating the ones we have now. We are working our way through the melon and tomatoes too.

My mom has kept a garden each year for many decades. I appreciate that it gives her a mission and some ongoing physical activity during the summer months. She has taught her children and grandchildren much about the dignity and simplicity in a garden. Much about the persistence, patience, and prayers wrapped up in those rows and hills of Mother Nature's creations.

Fresh garden produce truly is one of life's simple pleasures. Thanks Mom!
