Opportunity, Not Drudgery

Today I am grateful for a nice morning for a run, for my job rewards and challenges, for the new people I am getting to know.

The last line in my post yesterday gave me the idea for today's post: "I am glad to be here and I look at today as an opportunity, not drudgery."

Do some things get a little old? Sure. But without gratitude practice, I think they would feel older and so would I.

Take doing the laundry for example. It can get old, it can feel like drudgery at times. But then I start considering things like a working washer and dryer, family to do laundry for, money for fresh-smelling detergent, being able-bodied enough to make trips up and down the stairs, having clothes to wash, the satisfaction of putting clean clothes back in drawers and closets. It doesn't mean I am whistling and skipping by the time I am done, but it's more of an energy builder than energy drainer when I frame it in gratitude.

Doing this blog has yet to feel like drudgery. There may be times when I am tired and lacking inspiration, or when I feel short on time. But not drudgery. Each post is an opportunity to honor the writer in me, to continue the practice of gratitude, to reach out to others.

Attitude IS everything. I need help maintaining a positive attitude and gratitude practice is one of my best helpers.

Today is an opportunity. I will treat it as such.
