The Truth Marches On . . .

Living gratefully today, I appreciate mild weather, laughter via a middle school play production, and the overall good health and wellbeing of my family and I.

As I thought about the arrival of March today the song "Battle Hymn of the Republic" came to mind and the line "His Truth is marching on . . . "   Julia Ward Howe wrote the lyrics to this patriotic song in 1861, the story being told that several of the verses came together as she lay in bed in the early morning. So she wouldn't forget them, she got up to write them down in the dark with a stub of a pencil.

I like writing stories like that. I like lines that inspire: "the truth marches on."  In these times of concern, division, viruses, elections, fraud, mistrust, climate change, and more, the truth remains. There is far more good in the world, and in each of us.

Some days it is harder to find the good, to focus on it. We all fall prey to discouragement and waning hope. Maybe we need to sit with that unease a little but, to acknowledge it and see it for what it is. It is part of our truth too. Everything will not go our way. Difficult and devastating things will happen.

I try not to sit in that "dis-ease" for too long though. A song, a good run, a few lines of a poem, laughter shared with friends, mindful gratitude for a brief moment can all help turn the tide. The truth marches on. Tough times happen. True. Humans are resilient and amazing. Also true.

How can you and I each help these resilient and amazing truths of our humanity march on today?
