Smiles and Beginnings, Revisited

Today I am grateful for new pursuits with old hobbies, and for recovery from alcoholism and the good friends I share the journey with.

With yesterday's post fresh in my mind, Darcy and I headed out for a run shortly after. We shared some smiles early in the run as we referenced certain body parts that factor in to our running. Smiles over some jokes and references that only spouses married over 20 years and with hundreds of runs shared can fully appreciate. Smiles.

Barely a few hundred yards out our door, I noticed an eagle. We paused and took in the majestic bird perching high in a neighbor's tree. We have gotten used to seeing eagles now, but to see this one in our own neighborhood is less common. A little further down the trail, we saw an eagle soaring low in the sky. It was likely the same eagle, first perched, then soaring.

Our run began with some smiles and an eagle spotting. The day was off to a good start. There were more smiles, other beginnings. I had phone conversations with one of my sisters and with my brother-in-law. Darcy, Sam, and I went out for a nice meal together. Our back patio was cleared of snow, with the help of Sam and I, and rising temperatures.

It wasn't all smiles. Active alcoholism rears its ugly head. Grief over my sister Mary Jo's death is still fresh and being processed. It is all the stuff of life though, part of the day's unfolding.

Like that eagle, sometimes we have to sit perched in pain before we can soar with peace. None of it happens unless we begin with willingness and an open heart. Those are inner smiles.
