Inaction is an Action

Living gratefully today, I appreciate the word game "Wordscapes" to give me some good brain exercise. I am also grateful for the opportunities presenting themselves to me this week in a variety of ways.

It's time to revisit my word for the year: Stillness. It has surfaced fairly regularly as I try to keep an open mind and heart to it. Even that is progress for me. Stillness. Just saying the word, out loud or to myself, carries significance and is helpful.

Putting my hand on my heart and saying "Be still and know that God is here" fuels faith in Great Spirit.

So the other day when a friend was talking about that to-do list that never gets done, about the constant doing, I could sure empathize. Painfully so. Less doing, more being. This is the power of stillness. A pause here. A moment of clarity there. Realizations that "this can wait" or "this isn't even necessary now" are liberating thoughts.

Stillness is liberating. It frees me from the chains I tend to bind myself up in. To learn to truly rest physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, stillness must be embraced. Slow down and do nothing.

Doing nothing has not been something I have done well. And I have paid a heavy price for that. The emotional toll has probably been the most damaging. The relentless nature of constant thoughts and actions, especially when at least some of them are harmful to psyche and soul, cannot be underestimated. You want to talk about getting stuck!!

For someone like me, considering inaction as action is a good start. A healthy action to start my day is with some quiet reflection, sitting or lying still. Just a few moments can do the trick. Don't overthink and overdo your inaction Lisa.

If any of this ramble made sense to you, then you know the importance of stillness in this day ahead.
Inaction is an action that I can practice and get results. Ready, set, do nothing. Be still. What comes through? Pay attention, it may have been trying to get through for awhile now.

Thanks again for this word Laurel!
