"I just run!"

Today I am grateful for my family and the newest members of it, our grandsons Leo and Aaron.

I am grateful for my sisters and brothers, and a special shout out to my sister Ruth on her birthday today and my brother Morry on his birthday tomorrow. Happy Birthday you two! Find some new and fun ways to celebrate a special day in these uncertain times.

I pray for those most seriously impacted by the COVID-19 virus and the medical workers caring for them. I also offer a prayer of thanks to scientists, inventors, and researchers working so hard in so many ways to help directly with this global pandemic.

We spent some time with our grandson Leo yesterday, and see Aaron regularly on FaceTime. Our plans to see him in person changed recently, like so many other peoples' plans for things they were looking forward to. It helps me keep perspective to see these vibrant young guys in the ways we can.

My friend Anne has a daycare right down the street from us. Darcy and I went for a walk yesterday morning, and I got the idea to connect with Anne by phone and wave to her and her kiddos as we walked by. We got to their house and saw several smiling and waving kids through the picture window. They sure brightened our day. Thanks Anne and all! Social distancing doesn't take away the power of a smile.

Leo is learning to ride his bike without training wheels. When he tired of that, he and I "raced" back and forth from his bike to some big trees across the way. We made several trips and at one point I asked him if he wanted to walk for a bit. "I just run" was his response. It made me smile.

I just run. Works for me often too. Here is Leo at the starting line, and Aaron digging in the dirt.

I think about what your future may be like, especially with everything that is going on. I am hopeful for you and your generation, even with many unknowns. What I know for sure though is that you are loved and nurtured today. That is the best hope.
