Numbers 5-8 (19 Gratitudes to Counter COVID-19)

Living gratefully today, I can breathe deeply to calm myself and I can lean more deeply into the faith that I know is there. I am grateful for quiet meditation time to help me start my day with less mental turmoil and more mindful presence.

To yesterday's routine, cashiers/stockers, sunshine, and recovery, today I add these gratitudes to help counter the growing changes, fears, and unknowns as COVID-19 brings a wider impact to all:

5. The forms of TECHNOLOGY that allow for connections and learning to take place when "social distancing" is called for to help slow the spread of the virus. This will help us help each other and also hopefully ward off some of the loneliness and fear.

6. LAUGHTER to help lighten the tension we are all feeling and to remind us of our humanity. This is not laughter at someone else's expense or the nervous laughter of denial. This is genuine laughter.

7. CHOCOLATE as a comfort food. It is one of my favorites and I have some on hand. I am reminded that I should eat it in moderation, for several reasons. This is not a time to overdo consumption, and it is a time to make what we have last longer. Mindfully eating a piece or two of chocolate is a good way to pause and regroup.

8. OPPORTUNITIES of many kinds at this unprecedented time. Opportunities to reach out to others in new ways and share mutual support. Opportunities to listen to others as they process this unsettling situation and to listen to our own hearts. Opportunities to reach out to our own individual ideas of Higher Power for faith and sustenance.
