Numbers 13 - 17 (As Concerns Grow, So Can Gratitude)

Living gratefully today, I paused to appreciate the sounds that soothe: birds singing in the rainy mist and garbage trucks in our neighborhood on a typical Thursday.

It is good to latch on to some typical things in these times of atypical happenings. Gratefulness allows us to do the same. Grasp and hold stability in unstable times.

13. MUSIC-- Favorite songs that never fail to lift my spirits and help me tap into whatever range of emotions may need to be sorted through.

14. TEXT MESSAGES/PHONE CONVERSATIONS -- From and with friends and family I trust and feel comfortable with, bringing a sense of being grounded and cared about.

15. PERSPECTIVE VIA PASSWORDS -- Yesterday it was frustration with passwords as I shift from one work computer to a new one, and as we have had the need to access information we don't access often.  A little roadblock like that, compared to what some people are facing, begs me to "Keep it in perspective Lisa!"

16. OUR DOG OLIVER -- He is one living being and one responsibility where business as usual is the usual. We take our walks. He looks at me with his warm eyes. He is untroubled, even when the humans around him get a little troubled.

17. SPIDERS -- Though I am not a big fan, I don't fear them. Our grandson Leo and I got into an animated conversation about spiders for a few minutes and watched a couple brief videos together. The typical curiosity of a child heartened me and was a good distraction.

Keep the gratitude flowing. Onward, with kindness and shared humanity.
