Symbols Gone, Nurturing Continues

Today I am grateful for the lively and soothing outdoor spaces my husband Darcy creates on our front and back patios, and that I have had time in recent days to enjoy both areas.

As I reflected on Mother's Day yesterday, and allowed myself the luxury of time to soak in the tub, I noticed something I don't notice every day anymore. My breasts are gone. Sure, I notice on a subconscious level, as I get dressed and add my prosthetics to the day's outfit for work.

Yet, many days go by where I may not have a conscious thought or twinge about being flat-chested and breastless.

"I am not less of a woman, just a woman less her breasts."  These are my original words, written in the early years after my mastectomies, and I am proud of them.  They are true for this woman and she's the only one I speak for.

Motherhood and breasts go together. I so appreciate that I had the opportunity to breastfeed Sam for about 8 months after he was born. That was high on the list of highlights in the life span of my breasts, which ended at the young age of 43.

Breasts are symbols of motherhood, but they are not motherhood. Motherhood is so much more. The nurturing started when I carried Sam in my womb. It continues today and always will.

Breasts are symbols of femininity, but a woman is so much more than her body parts. Let's not forget that, and let's remember to teach our daughters and granddaughters that as well.

The heart and soul of this woman, this mother, beats strong and gratefully today.
