Between the Cracks of Normalcy

Today I am grateful for a helpful conversation with my friend Sheila and for cooler air after a hot and humid stretch.

A recent "Word for the Day" at  reads

"Gratitude is exultation awaiting between the cracks of normalcy."  (Frederic Potter)

What a rich word exultation is. Joy, pleasure, rejoicing, happiness, exuberance, jubilation, delight, glee, exhilaration. We could all use more of that. And there is more, in the little things. We sell ourselves, each other, and our world short when we buy the lie that everyday is mundane, that we need bigger and better to be more satisfied.

The exultation is in the little things, the daily gifts, the moments of profound connection with nature, another person, ourselves.

So between the cracks of normalcy I found exuberance and joy in things such as:

-Cool air on sweaty skin after a good workout
-A sip of coffee at the perfect temperature
-The light of sunrise and a breeze playing together on a tree
-Trust in a friend
-Drinking fountains with dispensers to fill water bottles
-Laughter with co-workers
-A meal shared with family
-Our dog Oliver back in his usual spots
-Putting pen to paper in my gratitude journal

What awaits us between the cracks of normalcy today?
