
Today I am grateful for connecting with my siblings via email and phone calls. I am also grateful for a good training run yesterday on a beautiful morning. The early morning sun coming through the trees was a treat to witness.

Ready. Set. Go. Familiar words in life. They each have their own importance, and unlike the start of a race or run, don't always follow in quick succession. Nor should they. It's worth giving each word their own post. Today's word is ready.

Ready can be about facing something we have put off. Maybe it was fear holding us back, or we needed to have money saved up, or we wanted to stay in that buffer of denial. Ready means moving forward with faith and courage. Ready means being okay with not knowing the exact outcome, the reaction others may have, but knowing we will be able to handle whatever comes our way.

Ready can be an open-minded approach to a new day. I am best ready for a fresh 24 hours when I start with some time to myself and to gather my focus in the present moment. Doing some prayer and meditation helps me gather my focus. Writing some thoughts in my gratitude journal helps bring mindfulness to my approach.

And sometimes "ready" is the ready we hear at the starting line of a race. The training is over, the day has arrived. My husband Darcy and I work for months to be ready at the start line of each of our marathons. There is joy in that work, and there is exhaustion, but there is always motivation. For that, I am very grateful.

Ready. The day is ahead. Onward.
