Proud of You!

Today I am grateful for my husband Darcy, our marriage, and our shared history since we met nearly 17 years ago.

I am also proud of Darcy today. He has been involved in our church's shared ministry team since 2005. Shared ministry is an effort by churches that are smaller and less financially strong to remain viable through the efforts of volunteers. Darcy has helped with the children's and youth programs and is currently in training to become a deacon.

I am proud of his efforts and commitments over these years. He wanted to get involved and be of service and he has done both well. I am especially proud of him today because he gave his first sermon yesterday to our congregation and it went well. He stretched himself beyond his comfort zone. He doesn't plan to be a preaching deacon, but he was willing to give it a shot like others in his cohort did.

He worked hard on this sermon, took it through many revisions, and practiced it many times. I am grateful I could be of assistance and support to him through the process.

Many people praised his effort and complimented his words. It was all deserved. Good job Darcy!

And I will steal a line from his sermon, a line we have all heard many times, but that we need to continually put into practice-"Actions speak louder than words."  Words are easy to speak. Actions take more effort and say more about us. I would like to think, as a writer, that the action of writing words allows me to combine the two and make a difference. Gratitude practice makes a tremendous difference in my life. I hope my writing on this blog also makes a difference. Onward!


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