Hearing Body, Hearing Soul

Today I am grateful for the friends and support I have in recovery, and the wisdom shared. We help each other a day at a time.

A line from Melodie Beattie in one of my daily readings struck me today:

"The better you can hear your body, the more clearly you will hear your soul."

Exercise has never really been a struggle for me and I am so grateful for that. I know not everyone feels that way about getting up and out moving our bodies, but it has never let me down as an effective part of my overall health efforts. If you struggle with exercising consistently, consider that the benefits it brings go well beyond the physical. That has certainly been my experience anyway.

I was a little stiff and sore yesterday from my weekend runs and a bike ride. I also tend to have stiffness when I sit for a while. It is rarely painful, more of a nuisance. But it is a reminder to appreciate and take care of this body, this earthly vehicle I reside in. It is a reminder to slow down and rest too. I have to be careful that the "all or nothing" approach I can fall into doesn't happen with exercise. A day or two off a week is needed and as beneficial as the days on.

Even when my heart and soul were more closed off to me, largely due to my cluttered, confused, and active alcoholic mind, I was moving my body. It made all the difference in keeping me somewhat sane at that time.

Today, the physical movement blends with the emotional balance as stress and frustration I am feeling literally work themselves out. Mental balance comes and my thoughts are cleared as I focus on the steps I am taking and the path ahead on my runs. A sense of spiritual strength comes as I feel the significant gratitude for being able-bodied and alive, for being out enjoying nature and some fresh air.

Moving my body helps me hear my soul. For that, I am so grateful.

If getting out and exercising is a challenge for you, consider that you aren't just helping your physical health. Just for today, move in the ways you can.
