Gently Shake

Today I am grateful for cooler weather and a hint of fall, my favorite season. I am also grateful for our dog Oliver and his personality.

The quote from www:// yesterday was:
"In a gentle way you can shake the world."

Described as one of Cesar Chavez's favorite quotes from Gandhi, it is a quote befitting two leaders who sought reform and progress through nonviolent means.

My first thoughts brought it back to a smaller scale. What does it mean to me? I can gently shake up my own routine when I get complacent. I can make a difference with small efforts over time rather than one big splash for attention.

Where my thoughts landed to stay were on the idea of doing something to get unstuck. I'll throw another line at you to summarize it: If you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you have always got."

Sound familiar? It does to me. An example is when I believe I am right about something. My mind closes and I wait for the other person to come around or for the situation to be viewed as I see it. As I wait, my ego inflates and I get a little, just a little, self-righteous. I am now part of the problem, not the solution.

Another example comes in the messages I used to play over and over in my head. You're stupid. Why did you do that? Will you ever learn? I thought you were stronger than that. You're not lovable.

I was definitely in need of a gentle shake then. And that started it. A change in the messages. I am lovable and capable. I am worthy. When I started practicing gratitude, the gentle shaking continued and slowly my view of myself and the world around me transformed.

Wow! It all started with a gentle shake. Do you need a gentle shake today?
