The Mixed Messages of "Be Strong"

Today I am grateful for the fun and spectacle of small town parades. I am also grateful for the feel of a book in my hands.

Line 9 from "Ten Things to Always Remember . . ."  is simply "Be strong."

My random thoughts start with what I have seen play out time and time again, in my own life as well as the lives of others. We have strength we don't know we have until we need it. When faced with tragedy, grief, injury, fear, pain, and so many other challenges, I have seen people pull from reserves of strength they never knew they had.

Part of that strength is simply doing the next right thing, doing what is in front of us. When I was going through chemotherapy, people would ask how I did it, how I could hold it together. I just did. For my young son and the rest of my family and friends.For myself. Plugging through my day even when I felt pretty sick helped me stay focused and confident that I would get better.

But that leads my random thoughts to the flip side of "Be strong." Sometimes we need to show our human weaknesses and vulnerability. That takes a different kind of strength but it is so important. No one can be all things to all people all of the time. Sometimes the vulnerability can come in front of just a few. But at other times a more public display of vilnerability tells the rest of the people around you that it's okay to need help, it's okay to be scared. When I went out in public with a nearly-bald head while going through chemo I probably made some people uncomfortable, myself included at times, but I also felt stronger for facing my cancer as directly as I could.

I am working on being strong enough to show my vulnerability.


  1. Your last sentence gave me chills. It's perfect. Being strong enough to show your vulnerability. GREAT bit of perfect wisdom.


  2. Cancer treatment was a good training ground for that dance of strength and vulnerability. But there are so many other ways to reveal our true selves. Blogging for instance. Thanks for being out there!


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