From Survival Mode to Relish Mode

Today I am grateful for the colors of fall that were evident on our run yesterday. I am also grateful to have lessons in acceptance present themselves regularly. I have much to learn.

In an email from my sister Danita earlier this week, she said:

"I did not know how I loved these things until I got well enough to get past just survival and move into relishing my life."

The "these things" she was referring to were simple things in her house, her life. The survival she mentioned was the kind of survival many of us can relate to, but that remains individual and personal. Growing up. Overcoming the obstacles, big and small, that life has presented us. Growing into our true selves.

I observe what seems like many people just "surviving." Racing through life taking care of obligations and leaving little room to enjoy, to relish day-to-day gifts. Does this describe anyone you know? Does it descibe you?

It was the word relish that really sparked some thought and further investigation for me. It's a great word when talking about gratitude and I thank my sister for putting it in my head.

"Pleasurable appreciation of anything" was one of the definitions of relish that I came across. I love that. What a wonderful, concise way to define what practicing an attitude of gratitude is really about.

When I take the time to notice the gifts in my life, big and small, human and non-human, I move from survival mode to relish mode.

My plan for today: relish it! 
