Here We Are At #10 . . .

Today I am grateful for spiritual tools that help give me acceptance and openmindedness when I practice them. I only control my attitude and actions. I am grateful to remember that as I head into my day today.

I have reached line 10 from Ten Things to Always Remember . . .and One Thing to Never Forget.

That line is "Wish upon a star." There's a cynic in me that has never really cared for that line. Wish upon a star and then wait for something to happen? No thanks! I would rather get moving toward whatever goal it is.

Lighten up Lisa. Any good goal really starts with a wish doesn't it? Dream. Visualize. Think about what it is I want to do and the steps I need to get there. Then get started with one step at a time. I think of my first venture into running marathons. I dreamed about it for years, but when my niece brought it up at a family gathering, the gears started turning, the visuals rolling, and now my dream was a goal-run the Chicago Marathon in October of 2004. Now I am days away from my 10th marathon-the Omaha Marathon on September 23.

Read more about my niece's intervention here in an April post:

Start with the wish, the dream, and then get busy. That is where the learning and growing and pushing come in . . . not the dream stage but the action stage.

I recall this quote from my early years: "If you believe it, you can achieve it." I like it because it is packed with hope. And I do agree, believing I can is crucial to achieving whatever it is I hope to achieve. Belief doesn't grow if I just sit there thinking about my goal. Belief grows when I take actions and necessary steps. In marathon terms, many, many steps, one at a time.

Go ahead. Wish upon a star. Then chase it.
