On a Movie and Marriage

Today I am grateful for the feel of fall in the air and for a "date night" with my husband.

Thanks to my stepdaughter being home to hang out with our son, Darcy and I were able to go out to dinner and then to the movie "Hope Springs."  Our dates are more often a morning run together, so this was nice.

The movie was about a couple, married 31 years, who had definitely lost the excitement in their marriage. They went to intensive couples counseling halfway across the country after the wife came across the counselor's book in a bookstore and cashed in a CD to pay for the trip.

It had some humorous moments, some poignant ones, and some good acting with people like Meryl Streep, Tommy Lee Jones and Steve Carrell.

I walked away thinking how grateful I am for the marriage Darcy and I have. But also realizing the lessons the movie gets across. Good, healthy relationships don't just happen. They take work. And they continue to evolve as the people in the relationship grow and evolve.

And the lesson that taking the people in your life for granted for too long may just cause you to lose them. Whether it's marriage, other family members, or friendships, time and commitment are needed, but well worth it.

This movie had a happy ending, but only after the work and evolving were well underway.

Notice the people in your life today. What gifts they are! 
