Nitty Gritty Spirituality-Anne Lamott Style

Today I am grateful that Sam and I had good check-ups at the dentist and don't need to go back for six months. I am also grateful for the many spiritual teachers in my life . . . those I know personally and those who reach me through their work. Anne Lamott reaches me through her books.

Her and I have a couple things in common, besides obvious good taste in name selection for our sons. Both sober for over 20 years, and both continually on a quest for spiritual growth and guidance. A spiritual journey isn't meant to be taken alone, at least not all of it. I appreciate that Lamott allows readers along on her journey . . . sometimes she is slogging through the mud and sometimes she is soaring in the majestic blue skies, just like the rest of us. When I laugh outloud at her words, it is because she has captured the human imperfection I am afflicted with and can so relate to.

Here is a line from Bird By Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life:

"Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor."

Perfectionism almost killed me. It led to a level of self-hatred that could only be squelched by alcohol. But then both the perfectionism and self-hatred came back. Until I learned and accepted that I am a worthy person, as is. That took many teachers and a Higher Power I trust today.

And a line from Some Assembly Required:

"Maybe what we say to each other is not so important after all, but just that we are alive together, and present for each other as best as we can be."

That's a reasonable goal for today. Be present as best as I can be.
