Traditions New and Old

Today I am grateful for early morning quiet, more family time, and some entertaining movies viewed at the theater in recent days.

Our first Christmas as grandparents included some time with Leo and his parents. As usual, he stole the show. Not surprising with a grin like this:

Between his various families. Leo could be buried in toys and clothes. But I like to think of it as having lots of people who love him. The stuff doesn't matter as much as time together and witnessing his healthy growth and development. And being reminded of how incredible life looks through the eyes of a child, living only in the present moment.

Being grandparents on the holidays is a new tradition for us. One that we look forward to continuing.

An older tradition we have is to hit some movies over the holidays. Actually go to the theater and watch on the big screen. We don't get to many movies during the year, but I've been to three this week.  They were all entertaining and enjoyable in their own ways. Darcy and I went to "Sisters," then Darcy, Sam, and I went to "In the Heart of the Sea," and last evening it was Sam and I taking in "Star Wars."

Traditions, new and old, are cause to pause in gratitude today.  
