Good Dog. Stay.

Today I am grateful for a phone conversation with my friend Jenny and for sunglasses. I am also grateful for our dog Oliver and his place in our family.

Good Dog. Stay. That doesn't necessarily describe Oliver. He is inquisitive and wants to be where the action is. That goes over just fine at times, and can be a little challenging at other times. But we love him dearly.

Good Dog. Stay. does describe a book title from Anna Quindlen, one of my favorite writers. It was published in 2007, but I just picked it up last week. It's a quick read and is also full of great dog pictures throughout.

Here are links to a couple of other posts that show my appreciation for Quindlen's work and words:

Another Favorite Writer: Anna Quindlen  from June 13, 2013 and
Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake from July 3, 2013

In Good Dog. Stay. Quindlen writes about the life of Beau, their family dog for 15 years. And in typical Quindlen style, she writes about a lot more. She draws several parallels between relationships with other humans and those with our pets. There is much to learn from our pets. And there is much to learn about unconditional love, about taking care of the basics, about napping.

Oliver is an exceptional teacher when I am paying attention. Life is an exceptional teacher when I am mindfully present. That is my goal today.

I will be taking a blog break for a few days. Enjoy the hours and days ahead. That's my plan.
