Love Wins

Today I am grateful for three lengthy conversations with three different friends on three different days this week. They are each friends I trust and feel comfortable with. Thanks Betsy, Liz, and Jill!

I saw another bumper sticker the other day that prompts a blog post. The sticker said "Love wins."  That's all. Short and to the point.

I have kept that in my mind in recent days when I have felt myself getting frustrated or resentful. I have employed it in my home and in my marriage, and also with myself. No matter what I may have "my undies in a bundle" about, love wins. There is nothing else so important or vital.

Sometimes I have to go down that wrong road for a time before I figure it out, but the trips seem to be shorter and less frequent.

Love wins. I can employ that idea at work, at the store, walking down the sidewalk encountering a fellow human. I can hold out hope that the negativity I mentioned in yesterday's post can be washed out by love.

I am not talking about gushy, mushy love. I am talking about loving life, loving the opportunity to be here and experience it through my own eyes and the eyes of others on this human path. I am talking about the good and positive in the world. Simple kindnesses. A smile. Being gentle. Pausing. Silence.

Love wins. Good wins. Mindful gratitude helps me find more of each-love and good. Have a good day!
