When forgiveness is your path . . .
Living gratefully today, I appreciate how my hand can hold a pen and carry it across a page, creating
words. I am thankful for a pleasant bike ride with Darcy in the cooler air yesterday.
There is a lovely quote that will come together over the next days here, starting with this line:
"When forgiveness is your path . . . "
Isn't forgiveness always good to have on my daily path through life? Yes. For me, it usually starts and ends with self-forgiveness. I have been tougher on myself than anyone else, by far. I know many of you reading this can relate to that.
I am not deluded enough to think that the number I have done on myself hasn't also hurt others. When I am operating from self-hate, I don't make the best decisions or say the most compassionate things. The emotional pain I have caused others, or at least contributed to, is where I also seek forgiveness.
Forgive myself for my shortcomings. Forgive the Universe for not delivering in a timely manner. Forgive others for not reading my mind and doing what I wished they would. Forgiveness is an ongoing pursuit. It goes hand-in-hand with being human, and I am that every day.
Forgiveness brings me to a place of compassion. And compassion makes it possible for me to be kinder and gentler with myself and others.
Today, I will walk the path of forgiveness and compassion and see where it takes me.
words. I am thankful for a pleasant bike ride with Darcy in the cooler air yesterday.
There is a lovely quote that will come together over the next days here, starting with this line:
"When forgiveness is your path . . . "
Isn't forgiveness always good to have on my daily path through life? Yes. For me, it usually starts and ends with self-forgiveness. I have been tougher on myself than anyone else, by far. I know many of you reading this can relate to that.
I am not deluded enough to think that the number I have done on myself hasn't also hurt others. When I am operating from self-hate, I don't make the best decisions or say the most compassionate things. The emotional pain I have caused others, or at least contributed to, is where I also seek forgiveness.
Forgive myself for my shortcomings. Forgive the Universe for not delivering in a timely manner. Forgive others for not reading my mind and doing what I wished they would. Forgiveness is an ongoing pursuit. It goes hand-in-hand with being human, and I am that every day.
Forgiveness brings me to a place of compassion. And compassion makes it possible for me to be kinder and gentler with myself and others.
Today, I will walk the path of forgiveness and compassion and see where it takes me.
Hi Lisa, my name is Mark Fry. I'm a cousin of Steve Foran, who got me into gratitude a few years ago. I've been sober for 16 years but have never done the steps. A friend recommended that I do the steps. I just wanted to touch base with you about this.