Meeting Grief Where Grief Meets Us

Living gratefully today, I embrace the grief and healing that showed up last evening and this morning.
I embrace the writing process that opens me up in ways that only writing can.

I am grateful for the friends who joined me to discuss and explore grief and loss last evening. We spent meaningful time together, showing kind compassion to one another and ourselves. Gifts beyond measure.

Meeting grief where it meets us, when it shows up, is an ongoing endeavor. Some days it is fresh and full of emotion. On other days, it takes more of a back seat. Yet, it is always part of our being, because it is always part of our lives. If we love and live fully, we will experience loss and grief fully too.

Pen to paper. Quiet meditation. Songs coming through my headphones. These all help me tap into the grief, help bring it to the surface and shine some light on it. Roll with it when it comes. I trust that when I dive deep, I will be able to resurface with a new buoyancy.

Grief can remain a burden, getting heavier if we keep carrying it and accumulating it. Or it can free us by guiding us to grace and gratefulness.

As Valarie Kaur wrote:  "Joy is the gift of love. Grief is the cost of love."  Honor the cost and the gifts return.
