Flowers from Above

Today I am grateful for family visitors and recovery connections. I am also grateful for the beauty in this mix of flowers:

The bouquet is from a recovery friend to celebrate my recent milestone anniversary. And the carnation was given to me by Sam on Friday night for parents' night at the football game. A picturesque range of colors and variety, pleasing to the eye and nose.

Flowers from above. Not a divine delivery from the skies, rather a picture taken from a vantage point above the flowers. 

It does raise two good reminders in my mind though. The first being that flowers, all of nature's creations, come from a source beyond human. We either help or hinder, admire or ignore. I choose to help nature by respecting and noticing it. 

The second being that a simple change in vantage point can transform how we experience and feel about the world around us, about our own emotions within us. 

I choose to thank Higher Power/Great Spirit for many daily gifts. I choose to live gratefully to help maintain a healthier approach to life and my part in it.

Flowers from above. Positive emotions from within. Faith all around. 
