. . . then gratitude is never far away.

Today I am grateful for productive energy last evening. Some days I don't have that, and that's okay, but it was well-timed yesterday. I am also grateful for the time I got to spend shooting hoops with our grandson Leo, and FaceTiming with our grandson Aaron.

The quote I have been sharing comes together in this post:

"When forgiveness is your path, and love is your reason for being alive at all,
and awakening is burning in your heart, then gratitude is never far away."
(Jeff Foster)

I have gotten much practice at looking for and finding gratefulness. I am reminded of the words "What we practice grows stronger." Actually, it doesn't take as much looking as it does just simple awareness. Pause. Right here, right now. Notice. Pay attention. Give thanks for what is present.

My perception is better, my vision more focused. Not all of the time, more of the time. It continues to make a considerable difference in my daily life.

There is a saying I have heard: "If God seems far away, who moved?"  I guess I could say the same about gratitude. If gratitude seems far away, who moved?

I will be taking a blog break into early next week. October is also a full month for me, and I am also working on "shoulding" myself less. I will blog when I am able. It will still be most days, but I am giving myself permission to cut back, to be flexible and spontaneous.

Living gratefully is a daily exercise for me. I do that in many ways and this blog is only one of them.
Time to explore different and new avenues and routines is always welcome.

Have a good day and a nice weekend!
